Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Wes's Adventures in C-Ville

Once Wes pulled the grown-ups away from the playground we checked out the swimming area and "mini-beach" - It looks like a really nice area and we will definitely go back this summer!
As we continued to drive through the park area and reservoir facilities, we found a pic nic pavilion and places to go fishing... Then we found a semi-dead end cul-de-sac with 2 verrry suspicious cars parked next to each other.... We quickly steered in the other direction, but not before Wes piped up from the back seat "This looks like a good place for a date! Plenty of places to park!" I gave Brad a look that told him he'd have a TALK with Wes before the teen years arrive!
Meanwhile, in other fun news - We finally have our awesome new furniture! It took an act of congress to get the old ones taken away, but finally our living room is all pulled together! Check it out:

Don't look now, but I think Mr. Herb just unwrapped some Dark Chocolate!
And, lastly, I am still on the job hunt - I have called several places and no one has an opening for me. I did call a bridal store today and I have an interview set up for Wednesday, but I think they need a part-timer for nights and weekends.. That won't work for the Wes schedule but maybe they have some other schedule in mind. We'll just wait and see what God has in store ...
In the meantime, PLEASE keep praying for me and for all three of us :)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Three Christmases
Of course, decorating my own tree is something I look forward to from Halloween to Thanksgiving! This year, Wes noticed that there is "too much purple" on our tree so I might have to *gasp* incorporate other colors sometime soon....
Another weekend, Brad and I headed up to Tennessee to see his lovely cousin, Stephanie, marry her super sweet fiance - I didn't take my camera in but I really wish I had! She was a beautiful bride and the ceremony was chock-full of wonderful, sweet, thoughtful touches! The thing that really stood out to me was their decision to have everyone sing "The Church's One Foundation" together as Stephanie walked down the aisle and again when the newly-married couple made their exit - What an awesome experience that was!

While on our way home from Jackson, TN we stopped in to see the Shiloh National Military Park and I was really impressed by the monuments and the information there - Unfortunately, it was freezing cold and windy so we weren't able to fully enjoy the tour and see all that there was to see.
After that trip, we had little time before Christmas was upon us - We did squeeze in some couch shopping and we found the set we ended up ordering (no photos until they're in our living room!)
And before we knew it, we were headed to my parents' house for Christmas eve!
In my family, the tradition is to camp out in the Big Room and then Christmas morning we all wake up and open gifts! Well... we all started out in the Big Room and Wes was (naturally) insanely excited to have his Granny and Papaw and to know it was Christmas Eve... He chatterboxed until after 11 pm! Finally he got settled down and people started to drift to sleep.... Fast forward to Christmas morning and not everyone woke up in the Big Room... Some people migrated down stairs to the couch and to the guest bedroom... It was a mysterious phenomenon that I can't explain, but there are those who know what really happened!
Needless to say, it was a very groggy morning but once we saw Wes and Connor eying their stacks we all were ready to rip open our gifts! In a flurry of papers and ribbons and bows, all our gifts were opened and we all examined each others' gifts - I think I am most excited about the GPS's that Kim and I received. Anyone who knows me knows this is JUST what I needed now that we're in a new town! :)
After the gifts were open, it was time for breakfast - and at about 9 am, we ate Turkey and dressing and the whole 9 yards! haha It sounds crazy but it was divine! I loooove my dad's fried turkey!
Then, before we knew it, it was almost 1 and time to head to Brad's parents' house for... LUNCH! We had more turkey and yummy veggies and spent time with Brad's family.