Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fun Photos

This isn't really an earth-shattering update, but I was excited and wanted to share :) Check out what I've been working on:

I hung the curtains in our room and they really look great with the wall color and everything! (what doesn't look good with Purple?)

I got industrious and decided to organize our closet :) Isn't that cool? I like walking in and seeing my shoes all lined up and orderly ;)

...and that means, I now have access to something that I have rarely had in my life....

The closet floor!

Lastly, a few cute Wesley pictures...

Here is one of his Sunday School projects. Isn't it precious?

And, can you spot the little boy in this photo? Hint: He's the smiling face hidden among the blankets and pillows ;)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Diggin a Little Deeper

We haven't made too much progress on the garden yet - it's not warm enough for me to want to be outside too often! LOL But, we stocked up on seeds and started planning where everything will go :) In the process, we moved a couple azalea bushes and Brad dug around to see how well the garden spot drains... And, lo and behold, he dug something UP! take a look at the video (commentary provided by Lauren from 2 doors down)

In somewhat related news, Wes has declared he has a girlfriend :) Not only that, but Lauren is his "permanent girlfriend." He said he sure was glad he picked her because she is a "real good girl." And I have to admit I got a little teary with him talking about her because it gave me a flash peek at having this same conversation with him someday when he finds the girl he will marry :) *sniff sniff* Then, I got over the teariness when he confessed that they have already kissed!! Needless to say, we had to have a talk about that! I told him that Lauren's daddy might not be too happy with him and that they didn't need any more smooches for several years! He seemed to be ok with that -I think he had already made up his mind before our talk because I do remember something he said about a week ago... As he was setting up a movie for them to watch, I heard him mutter, "we're not going to kiss." There was disdain in his tone, to say the least!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

~*~ Happy Valentine's Day ~*~

Happy V Day, ya'll :) Brad and I technically did our romantic dinner a deux last weekend and I even made Chocolate Lava Cake - YUM! and Brad made some veggie burgers we saw on Good Eats :) They both turned out really well so we had a fancy schmancy dinner last weekend.

This weekend, I wasn't expecting much more than to spend time together, but Brad surprised me :) First of all, he went to Wal-Mart this morning all by himself which, to me, is very sweet! Later, we all three worked in the back yard on some of our weed situation... After we came back in, Brad asked if I had spotted my gift... Well, no, I sure hadn't! He had them placed on the back porch and I never saw them - 2 rose bushes! He saw me checking them out recently and remembered the exact ones I liked! How sweet!

Later, we all went to Lowe's to pick out Brad's Blueberry Bushes (finally!) and he also let me pick out some flowers to plant around the house! Isn't he the sweetest??

We already have several veggies to start our new crop, too - We have cherry tomatoes, some orange tomatoes, bell peppers and a mixture of other peppers to make salsa.... And, of course, we got Wes some more corn ;) I can't wait for Spring to get here so I can start our Garden Updates!

In the meantime, I hope you all had a lovely day spent with loved ones this Valentine's Day <3

Saturday, February 7, 2009

February is here!

By now you've probably all heard my complaints about Wes's school work - I know you read about the AR situation... Well, more commonly I complain about his math assignments! It just blows my mind that his 2nd grade math would be difficult for me to understand! No jokes about my math skills ;) So, the other night I thoguht I'd take a picture of one particularly frustrating section of his worksheet. See what you think of this - I erased his answers on the 1st two so you'd have a chance to see what you think should happen and then left his answer to the last one to see what we ended up doing... No clue if we did it correctly though

In other news, Kim came to visit us last weekend and we had a really really great time! SOMEHOW, I managed to take a few pictures but none of them are of us! :) I tried to make her room really cozy and added flowers, etc...

She made her famous Chicken Cordon Kim and Chocolate Stuff, too! YUM! (as you can see, Wes devoured the chocolate leftovers!)