This past weekend, we had two birthdays to celebrate: Jenn's Birthday and MACY'S First Birthday!!
God gave us beautiful weather for the whole weekend so Captain Herb flew us over to South Carolina on Friday morning and we arrived just in time for lunch - just in time for me to form a small addiction to Rush's

After lunch, it was time for us to get down to some serious play time :) Jenn and Doug were still at work so it was just the MS crew and we had Macy all to ourselves -
Even though he tried, Uncle Brad couldn't resist playing with Sweet Macy:
Later, when Macy needed a nap, I thought a few snuggles with a good book might be in order:

Once Doug and Jenn were home, we opted for Macy to open the presents from us and I think Grandmom scored a huge hit with the bouncy ball:

After Macy's presents, we let Jenn have her turn and we showered her with gifts -
I think Doug blew us all out of the water though, with his surprise: a jogging stroller! Brad was quick to help Jenn check out all the bells and whistles:

The rest of the evening was spent catching up and then crashing! Besides, we needed our rest to prepare us for...
Macy woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed and before we knew it we were off to the park for her birthday party!
I would put all the fun party pictures here, but Brad took Doug and Jenn's camera and I took my video camera.... So, I don't have any fun party pictures :(
But I do have the sweet before and after pictures...
BEFORE the party:


Needless to say, it was a really wonderfully fun-filled weekend! I enjoyed my time with Doug and Jenn and of course, Macy! As is always the case, the weekend went by too quickly and before we knew it, it was time to leave! (Lucky for Cheryl, SHE got to stay behind and spend more time with everyone) I can't wait for another chance to go visit my South Carolina Family!