Wesley got glasses -
And then he turned nine!!!
We had a huge end of the year party for AWANA
And, Wesley had a successful sinus surgery.
May was a very busy month, to say the least!
Now that June is practically here, how about I post a few garden updates :)
The petunias I planted are blooming like mad - I think I just found my new summer favorite :)
And yes, those are pansies you see in the background. That's a complete surprise since we've had temps in the 90s lately! Most of them have died off, but the two patches near the front door are still alive and kickin. I'm curious to see how long they survive :)
Even though Kim convinced it to bloom pink, I'm officially in love with my hydrangea (special thanks to Mom Smith!)
And the white rose bush outdid itself earlier in the month - It had close to 20 blooms all at once and they were gorgeous! It is resting up now so I am anxious to see when the blooms return if there will be another explosion like this one:
Brad's blueberry bushes are humming along nicely, too. He has enjoyed having handfuls of blueberries on his cereal lately :)
Oh - and have you SEEN the corn lately?