As you may know, Brad and I have taken up walking. It has been wonderful to spend an hour together just talking and walking. I look forward to it and am truly bummed when we have to skip a few days here and there. We see this as an investment in MORE years we can spend together, and in better health.While Wesley was visiting his grandparents, we were able to hit a few of the walking trails in the area (that's where the above photo was taken)So, I've been very blessed with a patient husband who stays at my pace and doesn't complain.. and who pushes me to try harder when I start to slack off. In light of all this, he bought something SO simple that really touched me :) He bought gatorade!Like I said, it's so simple, but the sentiment meant alot because it's just another small way that he takes care of me :) Today, we thought we'd try an early afternoon walk - even though it was in the high 90 degrees outside. It started off well, but I had a headache that only got worse so we had to cut it short. In fact, I came home and had to lay down :( I ended up resting for two hours.
When I emerged, dinner was almost ready. He made a batch of delicious red beans and rice and even spiced it up with peppers from our garden! It was awesome!!
After church, we even had dessert. Brad made the BEST strawberry chiffon pie I've ever seen or eaten!! It had the perfect fluffy, sweet, creamy filling - and the perfect oreo crust.
It dawned on me that he made this while I slept so I had to ask how he created the oreo crumbs. He said he used the food processor... I said, "Wow!! I must have been out cold because I never heard that!!" He replied, "No, I didn't want to wake you so I took it to the guest room."
Honestly, what could be sweeter than my husband?

Oh - and he made rolls tonight, too! :D