Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Cards

So I was getting my weekly dose of Macy and Steven cuteness over on Jenn's Blog and she had posted a deal Shutterfly is running this year. Apparently, they are asking bloggers to get the word out about their Christmas Cards. So I cruised over to their site to check out the options. I currently have my legal team looking at the fine print ;)

I instantly found dozens of awesome cards in just my style! I will share my top 5 ... but I'm not sharing the one we chose HA! If you want to see that, keep an eye on your mailbox :)

Ok without further ado,

I liked the colors on this one, and the fun font.... But I can't send out a card that doesn't say "Christmas" You know and I know that's why we celebrate... I just want to make sure my cards don't lose sight of that.

Plus, this card would require that we take FOUR good Christmas pictures.... We're doing well to get ONE each year! HA!

I loved the red background and swirly frame around the text... But ultimately, I didn't love this one as much as the one we chose :)

On a side note... the baby picture is fun, but who wants to see your candles on the table when there are much better things you can put there?! 

I liked this one because it has an adorable dog on it... A good option if Baylor doesn't cooperate in our photo session!

I really liked this one because the polar bear looks like one of Daddy's Coca-Cola bears... and I love the happy, smiley tree :) I can picture a whole cartoon based on these characters :) Wouldn't that be fun?

This one looks perfect for a certain someone in our house...
I can't let the orange take over though! Purple MUST prevail!!

Almost the Winner:
I actually had planned to take some family photos on the cruise just so we could use a beachy Christmas Card this year...
Guess what I forgot to do on the trip??
That's right - I didn't end up with any usable pictures!!

Now that you've seen all the wonderful options that we DIDN'T choose... I bet you can't wait to see which one we will send this year! I know I'm excited :)

Until then, enjoy the Christmas Season and take time to thank God for his indescribable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Best Friends

In case you were wondering how we were adjusting to Baylor and how he was taking to his new home... I thought I'd share this little video. This was taken right after we came home and it shows how excited Baylor was to see Wesley!