In additional gardening news - my Bachelor Buttons in the front flower bed seem to have stopped growing and the Larkspurs just died out altogether! The Larkspurs were already having trouble and now they’ve vanished completely. The potted sprouts also died - I blame THAT on my inept watering though :( I think the potted ones needed more water than the flower bed since it’s under the porch and doesn’t receive rain... Anyways, I planted some more seeds this past weekend. More Bachelor’s Buttons this time and fewer Larkspurs... Then, yesterday, I was very surprised to see a new Larkspur sprout already appearing in the pot! So, this morning I went out to check on it... and it was gone :( BUT a new Bachelor Button has appeared so I guess it’s not a total loss...
And now, for Fun Wesley News :) He has successfully completed FIRST GRADE! Hallelujah! It’s been a very trying year because of a variety of factors and now we can relax and recover! As some of you know, he started the year at a Level C reading level (as in A is beginner, B is the next level and C is between Kindergarten and 1st Grade...) We have really worked with him with nightly reading and some flash cards.... Brad has really been GREAT at this, in particular... I am now very extremely proud to report that Wes is now a P PLUS reader! (As in 3rd Grade Level) *I’ll wait for your applause to die down* We are so incredibly proud and blessed, to say the least! The next time you see Wes, be sure to congratulate him on all his hard work and progress!
Also, his teacher gave each student an award based on their personalities.... It comes as no surprise that he received the Bright Smile Award based on his cheerful, good-natured self ;)
We are now basking in a happy glow and anxiously awaiting Summer’s REAL ARRIVAL!
Mine are not nearly that big. Must have started later than you guys.
hmm i Want to say we planted everything right at the end of March...
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