Hello Again! What a great summer we’ve had so far!
Last Thursday, after work we headed down for the Annual Ozier / Smith / Adam gathering at Orange Beach. This is my first year to make this trip and my first time to ever go to Orange Beach. Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised by the whole trip!
We had perfect, gorgeous weather so that was great. The first morning we were there Wes woke up with the sun - Literally, I think he came to wake us up at 6! We slept a little longer and then ate some yummy breakfast and it didn’t take long for Wes to declare he was ready for the beach! He had his new swimsuit on in no time flat! So off we go down to the beach. I don’t really remember ever taking Wes to the beach before so I know it’ll be a great morning! Instantly he sees the waves and he runs straight in! He LOVES it! So he is kind of running out a few feet and letting the waves carry him in while us poor parents are shuddering when the coldish water splashes us! Then, Brad and I each held one of his hands and swooped him through the waves. All of a sudden he cried out that a wave had hurt him and I noticed it had stung me too. It felt like several sharp grains of sand had blasted onto us. We had to get out of the water to investigate - It is later declared that we were stung by a jellyfish! OUCH! Luckily it was mild and Wes forgot about it once he remembered the pool at the condo! If I had to complain about anything it would be the JELLYFISH! I’d never seen jellyfish before so I had always thought you might see one or two and you’d just kinda stay away from wherever they were. The second morning when we headed back to the beach I was thinking our run-in with the jellyfish on our first day had been an isolated incident. No, no, no. When we got to the water’s edge we immediately noticed a small family all wielding nets looking for jellyfish. I thought surely that would take a while, but they were catching them left and right! They had a small bucket half-filled with grapefruit-sized jellyfish! I just did not realize there would be so many! You could stand in one spot and watch them wash past you onto the beach! Brad, Wes, and I decided to forgo the waves and attempted to build a sandcastle ... But that’s not nearly as exciting as swimming in not one, but two pools (one indoors) so back to the condo we went.
After that, the rest of the trip can be summed up as sleep, swim, eat, family time, swim, eat, sleep :) We had so much fun! - We also managed to squeeze in a trip to Foley’s outlet mall!
I also really enjoyed the chance to spend time with my new extended family - aunts, uncles, cousins, and , of course, my brand new niece, MACY! :) And Wes is taking right to his new cousins! He is very curious about Macy. In fact, the first day he begged to hold her and promised to be really careful not to drop her! When I said no, he wasn’t quite ready to hold her because she’s so small he switched gears and asked, “Well, when is her playtime so I can play with her?” How wonderful that he is already very excited about his new family! Everyone is so wonderful, loving and special so it really makes me blessed to call them My Family! I could not have asked for or expected such a great group!
On that note, I’ll close with some photos of our trip!

Aunt Ramona Snuggles one of the twins
Jackson copies Wes - Wes thinks this is pretty cool!
Wes copies and follows Sam - Sam is ok with that
Wes keeps an eye on Macy

What family gathering would be complete without CARDS!
OH ~ I almost forgot - Wes got a snazzy new haircut at the end of last month so here’s the During and After Photos :)

And, last but not least, a HUGE development in Wesley's World :) For most family members, the following photos won't need a caption but for some the explanation is below the photos~

Last night, Wes declared that spaghetti alfredo with grilled chicken (marinated in Italian Dressing) is The Best Dinner Ever! He also said he wants to have it "all the time... well not all the time because [he] still wants to eat other stuff too." He also said that it would be tasty with corn on the side. Isn't everything better with corn?
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