Saturday, March 28, 2009
Linda and Cary Come to Visit

Friday, March 27, 2009
New Flowers and Dead Clover
Ok, this might be my favorite picture.... It's my Irises! They have JUST peeked out through the dirt :) Yay! I can't wait to see them grow and bloom!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Spring Break!
Ok, so it may be a while before they're tall enough to bloom and waft high enough to reach the window...
And, the Blueberries are sprouting nicely. Brad read that you're supposed to pinch off the buds / berries for the first year to encourage stronger bush-growth so we've already pinched off a handful of little white buds :) We look forward to Next Year's Crop :)
We also had to mow our yard... Well, Brad had already mowed the front and back yard, but he wanted to take another crack at the clover that is our "lawn" so he did that and ran the weed eater while...
*I* mowed the very back yard! How cool is that? Ok, I know it's no big deal, but I've never run any sort of mower so it was new for me :) And, my favorite part was running over the ant beds - The mower made a satisfying grinding sound and dirt flew out of the side spout :-> Maybe I should address my ant hostility sometime...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It's Official!
That's when Wes decided to relax and be himself :)
In unrelated news, we've been making delicious food lately! Today, we had awesome enchiladas... Unless you ask Wes... He declared they were "horrible" and has been eating them for about an hour and a half. When he kept on complaining about them I said, "I get it. You don't like my cooking." Not wanting to hurt my feelings, he said, "No. I like your cooking. It's just the food that's bad." Oh, ok. Glad he cleared that up!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Gardening Time Again
First, the tulip I spotted on March 1st is still blooming beautifully :) But sadly, it still blooms... alone :( I thought there would be more of them but so far only one ...
We saw the yellow daffodils all come and go and this new breed popped up a few days ago... It's pretty, but it's no purple tulip ;)
My freesia bulbs have new growth making its first appearances so I am really looking forward to their delightful fragrance :)
Brad's blueberries are now safe and sound in the ground - With black landscaper cloth to keep the grass out! And already new leaves and brighter shades of green are showing up :) (even SINCE this picture was taken a few days ago)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Camping with Chuck and Jullia - March 6-8, 2009
There were a few technical difficulties before we arrived so Brad and I ended up joining Chuck, Jullia and Wesley in the RV instead of pitching our tent... annnd I think Brad thought that was plenty cozy because we didn't even LOOK at the tent for the rest of the weekend :( That means there will be MORE camping in the future to make up for this Tent Deficit ;)
I had never been to Roosevelt State Park before and was pleased with how pretty and peaceful it was - We even had a beautiful lake riiiight across from our site :) There was a small beach down the road and sand castles were quickly underway on Saturday :)
Other than the sand castle, there weren't many activities this weekend. Wes created a few treasure maps for the grown-ups to follow and we all were successful in the hunt for the Hidden / Buried Golf Ball.
We also played at the park and wandered around on meandering walks :) Sunday morning, Brad and I finally stumbled upon a hiking trail so we grabbed Wes and headed out.... Only to hit a dead end within moments!
All in all, it was a delightful, restful weekend full of delicious food!
The end result = one tired, happy little boy
Monday, March 2, 2009
March 1- Snow!

After running around and throwing a few snowballs, it was time to get ready for church. I ate a bowl of cereal and then peeked back out to see that ALL of the snow had melted... In the time it took to eat breakfast, all of the winter wonderland was gone. *sniff sniff* Wes didn't even get to see it :(