What a fun week! Wes is out for Spring Break and he's travelling around the great state of MS to celebrate. First, we headed to my parents' house on Monday and spent some time with Mom and Kim. Daddy was there Monday and had to head back to Birmingham on Tuesday so I didn't get to see him for long. Kim was finishing up her National Board Certification requirements so after that, we had to celebrate... by vegging out! Mom and I also played a few games of pool only to find we were equally matched.... equally BAD at it! That's ok though becuase it was a looot of fun!
After spending Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with Mom and Kim I headed back home after sending Wes off to Brookhaven with his Nana and Poppy... Last I heard they went bowling so I know he's having fun :)
Meanwhile, Brad and I got down to business while Wes is gone. Brad was off Friday so after the prerequisite bike ride, we tackled our yard. Mom gave me some Gardenia bushes so I planted 2 under the guest bedroom window and 2 on the side of the house. I think it would be wonderful if we had guests coming to visit and we could crack their window so the awesome smell would float in :) Can you picture it?
Ok, so it may be a while before they're tall enough to bloom and waft high enough to reach the window...
I also planted several Delphinium seeds:

NOT to be confused with the Larkspur I already planted....

And, the Blueberries are sprouting nicely. Brad read that you're supposed to pinch off the buds / berries for the first year to encourage stronger bush-growth so we've already pinched off a handful of little white buds :) We look forward to Next Year's Crop :)

We also had to mow our yard... Well, Brad had already mowed the front and back yard, but he wanted to take another crack at the clover that is our "lawn" so he did that and ran the weed eater while...

*I* mowed the very back yard! How cool is that? Ok, I know it's no big deal, but I've never run any sort of mower so it was new for me :) And, my favorite part was running over the ant beds - The mower made a satisfying grinding sound and dirt flew out of the side spout :-> Maybe I should address my ant hostility sometime...
The finished product -Isn't it beautiful?
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