Then, we headed straight to the zoo! First stop: a Train Ride!
Right away we put Wes in charge of our map and he really took his job seriously! He scoped out a few spots he most wanted to see and we charted a course for fun!
High on Wes's To Do List: Kangaroo Kountry and the Carousel
This Hungry, Hungry Hippo was one of the first sites we saw
Of course, the camel ride was also a wonderful photo op!
Brad and Daddy got a kick out of this giraffe and they even fed him a few branches from the trees in the foreground
This was one of MY favorite spots - in the Lorikeet cage you could feed nectar to the birds. At first, Wes thought he would just hold the cup and NOT have the bird land on his arm, but once my dad got him started, Wes was enthralled by the little bird and LOVED having one perched on his arm :) It was sooo sweet watching him walk cautiously to be sure not to spook the bird :)
Sunday morning came too quickly - After a trip to the Cracker Barrel it was time to say goodbye :(
Brad surprised me Monday morning with the news that he had the day off! Naturally, we spent some serious time in the GARDEN! Check it out:
After school and choir, Wes FINALLY got to plant his corn! Think he looks excited?
And, here is how it's laid out - I THINK!! I'm not sure I labeled the tomatoes and peppers properly ;)

Other things are still growing and blooming:
While we were at it, we mowed the front, back and way-back yards. Brad did most of the work, but I did tackle the way-back. We have some pretty weeds growing back there and they produce purple flowers. As I started mowing, I spotted Brad sweetly picking all the purple flowers! Later, I discovered them tucked into a vase in the kitchen. I thanked him for such a romantic gesture, but was surprised to find he had an ulterior motive! He knew I loved those flowers and he was worried I wouldn't mow over them and would leave lots of patches of tall grass in an effort to protect the flowers!! Isn't it funny how differently men and women think?!
I love the story about Brad "saving" the purple flowers! Such a guy thing to do!
I know - It was priceless!
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