Friday, July 9, 2010

Blueberry Pickin Time

Last Saturday, we went to pick more blueberries. It was picture-perfect weather and we had a wonderful time!

Wes and Brad were old pros, but this was my first trip - Wes enjoyed showing me around the picturesque rows of blueberries

In some places, massive clumps hung down like clusters of grapes! In other places, it was difficult to find any large, yummy blueberries.

When we chose our buckets, Wesley wanted to "make Pappaw jealous" by using a Coca-Cola bucket.

Then, he impressed us with how many blueberries he put into the bucket... TWICE!

I filled my bucket and left room to add Wes's berries to mine.

Same for Brad

After a productive morning, we strolled the grounds to see the rest of the gardens - I spotted my favorite plants right away :)

With so much to see, and so many delicious blueberry recipes available, I forsee a return trip before the end of the summer...
Yes, I'm sure we'll agree with everything we found on their sign:

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