Friday, July 9, 2010

Mystery Plant


Something strange has popped up in our garden...

A special prize is available to the first person to guess correctly! Guesses can be submitted via email, text, or even as a comment on this post :)

Here are your only two hints:




Jenn said...


ShaneFo said...

Are going to post what it is? I'm very curious.

Brad, Steph and Wes said...

ok we have a winner - if i had KNOWN the first guess would be a correct guess I wouldn't have posted pictures! haha
Congrats, Jenn! Come October, we owe you a shiny, new pumpkin!

kenemac47 said...

i believe jenn hit the pumpkin right on the gourd!

Unknown said...

looks like watermelon to me

Brad, Steph and Wes said...

Hmm how do non-relatives stumble across my blog? Am I a "blog of note" now? How cool is that?! I love that everyone wanted to guess what the mystery plant is :) I'll be sure to post the latest photos because they've gotten HUGE! Makes it easier to picture the swirling vines in the Bippity Boppity Boo portion of Cinderella :)

xoxoxo said...

Hi! Lovely pumpkins! Was it planted on purpose, or left over from last year?
I found your blog randomly by clicking NEXT BLOG on blogger.
I have pumpkins growing too and I wouldnt have guessed as they look just like zuchinni and squash.

Brad, Steph and Wes said...

They were planted on purpose :) I knew what they were, but posted them as a Mystery for others to guess just for fun :)