Friday, April 29, 2011

Take a Peek-O at our Pico

It's almost time for Wesley's birthday party!! So I asked him what theme he wanted to have this year and waited to hear what time of tropical idea he'd come up with.... Boy was I surprised when he suggested a Cinco de Mayo Party!

Needless to say I had to rethink all the decorations... and the MENU!

The first thing I thought of was the amazing Pico de Gallo we had in Mexico after The Amzing Race :)

After consulting with the Food Network website... Brad and I set to work.

We peeled the skin off 6 tomatoes (6!) and then the dicing began...

1 pepper

1 onion

and 6(!) tomatoes!

A few more ingredients... and some secret herbs and spices...

and some stirring....


I have to say, for a first attempt this was pretty close to the Amazing Race Pico de Gallo.

Brad and Daddy think something is still missing though.... 

I think it tastes wonderful, but to figure out WHAT is missing is a challenge I am willing to accept :)


I only wish the cilantro I planted had been ready in time  :(

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